Legal Notes

The website is edited by Truites & Cie.

Truites & Cie is a company registered to the Sirene directory since 02/01/2018.

Identifier SIRET  835 082 926 00014

Truites & Cie

Simon Scodavolpe

32 route de Grenoble


Editor-in-chief :

Simon Scodavolpe -

Webmaster :

Pierre Lavignotte -


Hosting :


Reproduction :

French and international legislation about copyright and intellectual property apply to this website. Informations on this website are public but all rights of reproduction of textual content, icons, drawings, pictures and photographies are reserved.

Full or partial reproduction of any content from this website on digital of physical media is only authorised for personal usage ;  any commercial or advertising usage is prohibited.

It is possible to broadcast hyperlinks, but it is prohibited to include content (articles, pictures, drawings, photographies, ...) in any other web site.


Truites & Cie is a registred trademark.